Friday, 15 April 2016

Putting your Diabetes first.

Towards the end of this year I would have been a Mother for 13 years it sounds incredibly long but also feels short at the same time.

 (I will write a post one of these days about my experience of being a Pregnant Diabetic not once but twice so keep a look out if you are at all interested.)

I am blessed with 2 healthy boys of 12 and 9 years old. I am so grateful that God allowed us to have the responsibility of caring for and loving these 2 young boys. They have both enriched my life in so many ways, each with their totally different personalities and all though their looks are pretty much the same they are so very different in their characters and personalities.

Lately I feel like I am going from one check up to the next, First the PT for my shoulder, then the annual Doctors Check to talk about the blood test results, then the Eye Doctor to check the eyes , then the Dietitian and then later it will be the podiatrist. I was complaining about it as I always seem to be asking for time off from work to go to yet another medical appointment.

But the thing is I need to do all of these things and manage my Diabetes and take the insulin and check the blood sugars (Often). God entrusted us with not one but 2 children. But what kind of a good job am I doing at achieving all of these lifes responsibilities if I don't manage my Diabetes correctly.

I might say like so many other Moms that I want to put my children first but after awhile as a Diabetic you need to alter you mind set and say that part of putting my children first is putting my Diabetes first.

If I don't I might not live to see my boys graduate from university. I might not see them married or having kids of their own. That might be a bit harsh but if I do live to see future awesome things with my boys I want to be able to experience these moments not in pain or being any kind of unfit,unhappy complicated Diabetic.

My oldest son said to me the other day.(Referring to my Shoulder) Mom you can't go on holiday so I looked at him a bit confused and said why not? So he turned to me and said you won't be able to sit like this and he raised his arms and clasped them behind his head and smiled at me.

Something like this.

 He was joking with me but I want to be able to once again go on holiday with my Family and say lets relax and do that exact pose.Amazing what little things can motivate you.

Thank you Matthew and Jared for understanding and accepting that by putting my Diabetes first I am in a way putting you first.

Love to every parent out there.

Stay linked



Friday, 1 April 2016

April Fools Day Diabetes funnies

Just a few funnies for Friday since it is April Fools day.

Hope you enjoy.